Course Description

In Multimedia Journalism, students will be introduced to topics related to multimedia journalism. Topics covered will include the new media profession, Web credibility, online reporting sources, cyberlaw including libel and copyright, blogging and podcasting, and basic multimedia design. Students will both critique and create online materials.



You must use an active UT email account.  Contact the instructor, if you have questions. Make sure you check your email on a regular basis, as schedule changes will be communicated there as well as on our course site.

Course Requirements


Briggs, Mark, Journalism Next, CQ Press.

Late Assignments and Attendance

Assignments for this course are challenging and fun, but the class moves very quickly, especially during the summer session, so you will not want to fall behind. Missed assignments will receive a grade of F. Deadlines are very important in journalism, so they are also important in this class.

Attendance is important, too. You may have one absence without penalty throughout the summer session. After that, your final grade will be reduced by 5% for each additional absence. After the fifth absence, you wll be encouraged to drop the course or you will receive an F. There are no excused absences, sickness and work-related absences are still absences. Because we cover so much ground in this class, it is no coincidence that the best projects historically have been turned in by the students with the best attendance.

Students (and teachers, too) often learn best from one another, so an open environment is encouraged. Ask questions and help each other.

We will start class at 11:30am. It is important that you show up on time, as announcements tend to be made early, and you could miss valuable information. If you arrive later than 11:35am, you will be marked as late. This can effect your participation grade, as well as your ultimate course grade.

Supplies and Equipment

You will need a USB storage device/Flash drive to save a backup of your files.

You will be invited to participate in the course Blog. You'll receive instructions for signup in class. The contents of the blog will be on the Web and available for all the view.

Students should also have a UT email account that they check frequently. This will be the main method of course communication.

Equipment Checkout - You may need to check out camera equipment from the instructor. You will be allowed to keep it from one class period to the next, so plan your shoots accordingly. On the day you return a camera, you must download your files and delete them at the first available lab time and return the camera to the Instructor. You may also check out equipment from other sources that we will discuss in class.

You MUST return the camera(s) in full working order on the following class period. It is important to respect other classmates' needs to use the equipment. No Excuses will be accepted. Failure to return the equipment on the next class period will result in an automatic reduction of 10% from your final course grade, and your equipment checkout privilege will be revoked for the remainder of the semester.

You are responsible for the equipment that you checkout. You must return equipment in full working order. Failure to return any equipment due to loss, damage, theft or any other reason will result in your being charged the replacement value of that equipment.

Student Conduct

In this class, you should feel comfortable to participate and express opinions and ideas. Please respect the opinions of others and be considerate of their need to contribute and learn. Turn off cell phones before entering class, and do not take calls/txt/tweet/facebook/etc during class. Browsing the Web, checking email, IMing or other non-related activities during class are not acceptable. Please do not have private conversations with your neighbors during class time, whether the instructor or other students are talking.

Any student who does not adhere to these conduct policies will be asked to leave the classroom. In general, please be respectful of others desire to learn and help to create a fun and beneficial classroom environment.

Student work will be displayed on the Web, which means that it will be available to anyone with Internet access and a browser. Please see the instructor if you have any concerns about posting your projects to the Web.


Instructor may notify you of changes or updates to policies in this syllabus throughout the semester.